Mini Sprayer

Mini Sprayer

Brown Suga Spray Tans

Regular price $40.00 Sale


save money with our mini sprayer for a flawless tan that dries in minutes without needing help for your BACK!

 This bottle comes with our signature professional tanning solution.

‼️Refill bottles are available‼️ 

Directions for applying 


First off this is for tanning gurus, the method is extremely easy but is only for someone wanting to achieve a dark bronze! 

Apply lotion on your feet and dry areas.

stand on a towel in your shower and start spraying all over your body. Wait about a minute and get a rag or tanning mitt and blend the solution on your body for a flawless bronze.


I always clean my hands and feet off at the end! Shower off in 6-12 hours ! 


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